Nuclear reactors

Manufacturing of water-cooled water-moderated power reactors is the key profile of AEM-Technologies. The high safety and reliability of the Russian-designed nuclear reactors allowed the company to take a leading position in the global nuclear energy market.

The current reactor generations combine the best developments in the industry and are in great demand among Russian and foreign customers.

General characteristics

AEM-Technologies produces water-cooled water-moderated power reactors VVER-1000, VVER-1200, and VVER-TOI. Each generation has individual advantages and the common key one is high reliability, which can be achieved through application of the up-to-date quality management methods, use of the unique equipment and constant development of technologies.

VVER-1000 is a time-proved and, today, most common reactor in the world. VVER-1200 is a flagship development with improved technical characteristics, higher power, and enhanced safety systems. VVER-TOI is the latest generation of Russian-designed reactors, a product with the best technical and economic parameters, targeted for promotion at the international market.

Thermal power
3 000 – 3 300 MW
Electric power
1 000 – 1 255 MW
Сapacity factor
80 – 93%
Maximum fuel burnup
68 – 70 MW·day/kg
Number of fuel assemblies
Number of control rods
61 – 121
Coolant pressure at reactor core outlet
15.7 – 16.2 MPa
Fuel weight in reactor core
85 950 – 87 065 kg
33 – 37.9%
Reactor pressure vessel height mm
11 185
Reactor pressure vessel weight tons
Weight of reactor pressure vessel with internals (shaft, baffle, and protective pipe spool) tons
Maximum thickness of reactor pressure vessel wall mm
Production and shipments
Reactor pressure vessel for Xudapu NPS successfully passed hydraulic tests at Atommash
Reactor pressure vessel for Xudapu NPS successfully passed hydraulic tests at Atommash
Reactor pressure vessel for Xudapu NPS successfully passed hydraulic tests at Atommash
At AEM-Technologies Atommash hydraulic test of the reactor pressure vessel for Unit 3 of the Xudapu NPS, which is under construction in China, was successfully completed. The tests were conducted in a three-level underground caisson, a special sealed shaft designed for such work. Using a crane with a lifting capacity of 600 tons, the support ring was first lowered into the stand, and then the 11-meter VVER-1200 reactor vessel was placed on it with an accuracy of 0.5 mm. To create complete sealing, plugs and top head were used, which were connected to the reactor pressure vessel using 54 main joint studs. During the tests the item was filled with distilled water, heated to 100 degrees and created the maximum pressure (24.5 MPa) - this is 1.4 times higher than the working pressure.
Atommash has completed work upon carrying out the threaded holes on the Reactor vessel for Tianwan NPS
Atommash has completed work upon carrying out the threaded holes on the Reactor vessel for Tianwan NPS
Atommash has completed work upon carrying out the threaded holes on the Reactor vessel for Tianwan NPS
Atommash Branch, AEM-Technologies, JSC in Volgodonsk (part of the machine-building division of Rosatom - Atomenergomash) carried out the cutting of threaded holes of the main joint on the Reactor vessel for the seventh power unit of the Tianwan NPS in China.
Atommash has carried out a check assembly of Reactor vessel for Kudankulam NPP
Atommash has carried out a check assembly of Reactor vessel for Kudankulam NPP
Atommash has carried out a check assembly of Reactor vessel for Kudankulam NPP
Atommash Branch, AEM-Technologies, JSC in Volgodonsk (a part of machine-building division of Rosatom –Atomenergomash) has performed an assembly of the Reactor vessel with the Internals. The item is being manufactured for power unit No. 5 of NPP "Kudankulam" (India).