Heat treatment production

The heat treatment equipment enables obtaining a metal structure that provides high performance characteristics of products. Heat treatment of blanks is carried out in heat treatment gas-flame box furnaces with a bogie hearth of up to 600 t load-bearing capacity. Two quenching options are available such as water quenching and oil one.

The production site of AEM-Special Steels has 27 furnaces for preliminary heat treatment of forgings of various types and dimensions.


Vertical heat-treating furnaces

AEM-Special Steels has five vertical heat-treating furnaces. They are designed for quenching, normalizing, and tempering of blanks of shells, shafts, pipes, and rotors.

Main characteristics

Depth: up to 26 m

Blank diameter: up to 9 m

Horizontal heat-treating furnaces

The horizontal furnaces are designed for preliminary and final heat treatment (quenching, normalizing, and tempering) of blanks of various configurations and weights. The production site accommodates 22 horizontal furnaces.

Main characteristics
Width: up to 5.5 m

Height: up to 4.3 m

Length: up to 21 m

Production potential

700 t

maximum product weight