Training center in Volgodonsk

The Training Center develops and implements professional training and additional educational programs for employees of AEM-Technologies in Volgodonsk. * to view the web-site version for \visually impaired persons, press Ctrl and zoom in with the mouse wheel.


The Center operates on the basis of a license to carry out educational activities and provides training of slingers, turners, vertical lathe operators, turning and boring mahine operators, multi-skilled machine operators, millers, drillers, metal structure assemblers and forge hammer/press operators.
The Training Center started its operation in 2014. Five spacious classrooms are equipped to study the theory and practical classes are held in production buildings. The continuous training of the company's employees enhances professional, managerial, and personal-business competencies, as well as increases the level of personnel qualification.


  • 01 How to apply for training?
    The Training Center trains only company employees. The need for personnel training is established by the heads of structural divisions in accordance with the plant development strategy
  • 02 How long is the occupational training?
  • 03 How is the acquired knowledge evaluated?
  • 04 What documents will be issued upon completion of training?

Areas of training

Training to work with production equipment and professional software. Obtaining qualifications and assigning qualification grades, classes and categories without changing the level of education.
Professional development program including issue of an advanced training certificate or occupational retraining diploma
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Center results

366 persons

completed occupational training programs in 2021
Information on educational organization
Federal state educational standards are not used.

Nor scholarship neither other financial assistance is available.

The Training Center does not provide any paid educational services.

Educational activities of the Training Center are not financially supported at the expense of budget allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local budgets.

There are no vacancies for enrolment (transfer).

Information about the educational organization (documents)

1. Основные сведения.pdf
pdf, 213 Kb
2. Структура и органы управления. Положение об общем собрании трудового коллектива.pdf
pdf, 1002 Kb
2. Структура и органы управления. Структура управления.pdf
pdf, 149 Kb
2. Структура и органы управления. Положение о создании комиссии по урегулированию споров между участниками образовательных отношений.pdf
pdf, 1005 Kb
2. Структура и органы управления. Положение о педагогическом совете.pdf
pdf, 1 Mb
3. Документы. Лицензия с приложением.pdf
pdf, 3 Mb
3. Документы. Положение об организации обучения лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.pdf
pdf, 1 Mb
3. Документы. Положение об организации образовательной деятельности.pdf
pdf, 1 Mb
3. Документы. Положение об аттестации педагогических работников.pdf
pdf, 912 Kb
3. Документы. Отчет о самообследовании.pdf
pdf, 1012 Kb
4. Образование. Программа_Токарь_2 разряд.pdf
pdf, 1 Mb
4. Образование. Программа_Стропальщик_2 разряд.pdf
pdf, 1 Mb
4. Образование. Программа_Дефектоскопист РГД_3 разряд.pdf
pdf, 1 Mb
4. Образование. Программа_Станочник широкого профиля_2 разряд.pdf
pdf, 2 Mb
4. Образование. Сведения о реализуемых программах в 2018 году.pdf
pdf, 153 Kb
5. Руководство. Педагогический состав. Сведения о педагогическом составе.pdf
pdf, 165 Kb
5. Руководство.pdf
pdf, 150 Kb
6. Материально-техническое обеспечение и оснащенность.pdf
pdf, 218 Kb

Contact details

10 Zhukovskoye Shosse, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, 347360, Russia
+7 (8639) 29-29-29.
Operating schedule
Monday-Friday: 8.00 – 17.00
Lunch break: 13.00 – 14.00
In accordance with Article 3 of Federal Law No. 238-FZ of July 3, 2016 on Independent Assessment of Qualifications, the participants of the independent expertise evaluation system are: